Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Do you know your spirit guides?

This summer, I had an amazing experience. My psychic friend invited me to a workshop she was doing to help people get in touch with their spirit guides.

I had first heard of spirit guides about 6 years ago when I attended a session on energy healings. The guy giving the workshop claimed that he would see these guides while he was performing healings on people and that the guides would tell him what parts of the body needed attention and then how to clear whatever problem there was from the body. I wasn't sold on the idea, but I was definitely intrigued and wondered if I would ever get to know who my spirit guides were (he claimed that we all had them).

I had always felt that my maternal grandmother, whom I had never known, was very close by at all times. She died when my mother was just 5 years old and it always seemed to me that she was watching us both and was there to console us.

So when I heard about my friend's class, I had to take the opportunity to get in touch with her and to find out if she were really one of my guides or if I had whatever talent was necessary to get in touch with the other side.

We started out the process seated or laying down (depending on what each person wanted) very comfortably on the floor in a room with the lights very dimmed. Next we were instructed to close our eyes and begin imagining standing in the field. As we stood there we begin to breathe in the air and develop a feeling of inner calmness.

Walking through the fields, we began to feel freer and freer and to make a long story short took a very convoluted path walking through a forest, across a stream, past a waterfall and into a forest hidden deep inside the woods. As we entered the deepest part of the woods there came a clearing with a small Stone house located in the center of it. The house had a heavy metal door that was very secure. Each of us had our own special key to enter our own special stone house.

We were then instructed to enter the house and observe the surroundings. On one side of the house, there was a big Comfortable bed. We were allowed to lay down in the bed and relax and take in the calmness of the surroundings. On the table across from the bed, there was a notebook I leather bound book with the lock and key on it.

Upon opening the book we were to read the words that appeared on the page. In my book I could not find anything at first, and then suddenly words began to appear on the page. But they kept dancing around so I was unclear as to what it said at first. I kept seeing the word 'Cane', But it kept switching between the spelling K-A-N-E and C-A-N-E. I believe that this was to signify that the pronunciation was like the Latin for dog as opposed to the English word cane. I still haven't figured out the significance of the dog, but that's all I could come up with.

That I looked up, and saw a man standing by the window. He was a warrior of Asian descent, but I could not figure out at first if he was Chinese, Japanese, or of some other Asian culture. He wore a long blood red robe made of silk and carried a huge sword. As he looked out the window, he signified to me that he was on the lookout and was there for my protection.

After being able to spend more time in the house reading through my book, and observing as to whether or not another guide would show up, we were instructed to close up the house and head back to the field. On the way through the deep forest, I found a person in a long, white robe who looked a bit like Galadriel from Lord of the Rings and Jesus walking beside me. This person took me by the arm and gave me a soothing feeling all over my body. It was as if he/she was telling me that everything would be OK.

At the time, I was going through a serious legal battle with a woman who wanted to sue me for $1M because I gave her course a negative review. A few days after I met this warrior and my Jesus fairy, she basically dropped the case. When I received the call from my lawyer, the warrior looked at me and for the first time, he smiled and then laughed.

So who were these spirit guides? Were they real? Were they just figments of my imagination? Does it even matter?

I tend not to be terribly imaginative. Even my dreams are very reality based 90% of the time. So for this reason, I think that the images that I have seen are tapping in to some part of my imagination or "the other side" that I have not before been in touch with. But to my mind, it really doesn't matter. Anything that brings about good or comfort of the individual is a positive force and I would not want to be without. So for now, I will keep turning to my spirit guides, not only to intervene between me and God, but to help me make decisions for the future.

What about you? Have you met your spirit guides? What do they tell you? I'd really like to know!

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